Concerning errors in the Bible
I came across a rather heated "discussion" on whether the Bible is accurate or not. It reminded me how much the devil love's for us to argue about dogma. So my response was this:
The devil loves it when we argue dogma because much like politics, it's an argument with no way to declare a winner. Each of us believes what we believe and think it is the right, and often even believe it is the "only" way. The problem of course is that even those of us who read and believe in the same book come away with dozens if not hundreds of different ways of interpreting it. Not interpret in the sense of the language, but in what it is saying to us. Thus we have well over a hundred denominations just in the protestant faith alone. For me, I think God is most pleased when we love each other even tho we may differ in our ways of looking at things. God looks on our hearts, and if the heart is right, all these little arguments become meaningless. If we do the best we can to love and help each other our ticket will be stamped! Whether earthly documents have come down to us correctly or not is certainly worthy of discussion, but sometimes I fear we worry too much about that and not about helping our fellow man who are in need of our help. Feed the hungry, clothe the needy, heal the sick, that sort of stuff. Far more important if we want to follow the teachings of Jesus. Peace is better than war, and love is better than hate. Yes, at times we will see things differently, but again, God alone can see the true condition of our heart. Are there errors in the Bible? Of course there are, but they don't contradict what Jesus taught us about loving and being compassionate with each other. But it is a remarkable book when you think how many years it has been passed down and for many years that was an oral tradition and then until just before 1500 the copies were all written by hand. No wonder there are a few errors here and there. But again, the errors do not change the message.
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